3 people were dead. The Death Bunnies celebrated in the usual style (in case I hadn't mentioned it earlier, they celebrate by...you probably don't want to know
) Nothing much had happened after the death of Alex and....Alex (except for a skirmish with a ladybird, but that's a different story). News quickly spread about the deaths. "Bite marks, nearby burrows and rabbit droppings are prominent at all crime scenes. Definitely the work of teenagers" were the words of Chief Inspector Hugh Jass. The rabbits laughed at these comments. Anyway, getting back to the easiest part of this story, the deaths. The next part of the story will be told in a naff rhyme that everyone hates.
There once was a boy called Ted,
who very soon ended up dead.
He walked down the road,
talking to toads
and composing songs called odes.
He hopped over a government fence,
and gave a tramp about two pence.
He was very happy,
without being sappy,
or crappy.
He came to a field,
technically a meal (for some bunnies, anyway).
A bunny jumped up and pulled out his teeth,
that bloody thief!
Ted went down in pain,
and then was hit by a train.
In case I didn't mention this earlier, this whole escapade happened on a train track
So, Ted's blood was spewed all over the lines. And he....he....he....I can't be assed to think. The bunnies licked up Ted's blood and guts (that stretched for over 20 miles BTW). All that the police could find the next morning were his shoes. 'Le Coq Sportif' to be precise (and for those of you with little or no knowledge of French, 'Le Coq Sportif' literally means 'The Sporty Cock', but that describes George more than Ted...or does it???). George, Ted's faithful brother, went out to search for his other half. He had been crying solidly for 127 hours, desperately wishing Ted to come back (or it might of been because he watched Casablanca, Casanova and The Titanic consecutively). George knew that there was only one person that would dare kill Ted. Death Bunnies!!!
George vowed to raise on army of pre-pubecent, spotty teenagers from "'round here" to fight against the evil bunnies from Death Hell.
"Can the rhymes, it's arse whooping time!" are the famous words of George before the bloody battle that ensued afterwards.
What will happen? Find out in the FINAL part of THE EVIL BUNNIES FROM DEATH HELL PART 4